In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All Praise be for Allah, The Lord of all the worlds,

All blessing and peace be on His Messenger, our guide Muhammad,

And His Progeny and upon all the companions of his.”

Coming to the point: Whosoever came into this world, he left it and marched away on the path of the next world. It means that he reached Barzakh after having completed all the breaths of his life and having traversed the distance of the painful valley of death. There are both torments and pains as well as comforts and delights in the Barzakk. One has to pass through divergent situations in the Barzakh according to one’s own deeds. Whosoever passes away from this world finds his place in the Barzakh. In a word, anyone who comes into being will taste death.

“All splendour will be left here, when the wanderer shall set out on his journey to Eternity"

Just as the ages of the human beings and those -of the jinns are pre-determined, in the same way the age of this world has alse heen fixed. When the age of this world witi come to its end, all of a sudden, li the whole of it will suffer extinction. The expiry of men is called ‘death’ and the destruction of the worl{ as a whole is called ‘Resurrection.” The Almighty and Magnificent God, while expounding the philosophy of ‘death’ hath commanded : “He it is Who has created death and life so as th to put ye to the test as to who amongst ye does  good works.”

In other words, life and death have been created by the Lord of all the workds only with the object of testing your deeds and to witness who amongst you does evil works and who does good deeds, aad that, who is amongst you, who does only the good works He (God) gave the man a trial by providing him an opportunity: of ‘action’ and the method of action in the worldly life and created the next world (Hereafter), the news about which was vouchsafed to men through the Prophets. (God’s Messengers) in the following words :

O men ! Ye have to die and, after death, have to rise up again and, then ye have to be answerable to your Creator and Master.”

After Barzakh, the gathering together of all the human-beings by Almighty Allah before Him by reviving them only with the object of callin~ *hcm to account is called “Resurrection”. The life .::re is quite different from both the earlier lives. (Worldlylife and Barzakh life). 

There is no work of any kind to do. No reward can now reach anf one. The character rolls of all the human beings have been closed finally. The mosque, which was built up, has now been annihilated, its school has been razed to the ground ; its books have been destroyed. All the relatives, offsprings, disciples and friends, after perishing have been re-assembled. In future, every kind of virtue has been stopped and all the hopes of a man have been finished. His self-done virtues or those which were done for him by others—all these have, after their entry, been submitted in the office (of the Lord), and today all the givers and takers (the plaintiffs and the defendants) are present before the Sovereign Lord. 

Therefore, it is not the Sovereign Will of God at all to reward or punish the men in this mortal world because the man is still busy in his action. He is still alive. It is possible that he might have committed some sins in his youth due to the excitement of his youth and foolishness and, during th last days of his life, might feel ashamed of himself about it and repent for it and thereupon God’s mercy may flow-over and embrace him with His Forgiveness.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1. A Brief Account of the Resurrection Day

Hadrat Israfil (peace be upon him) will sound the trumpet (a horn of a particular kind) for the first time, either forty years or forty months or forty weeks before the commencement of the Day of Resurrection. Its sound will be so dreadful and frightening that all things having life, all human beings, animals, birds, all those living on the surface of the earth and all those living underneath the earth will start trembling with this dreadful fright and terror. The human body will start quivering and trembling, the faces will grow pale, the hearts will beat swiftly (painfully), the eyes will sink into their sockets and in this condition all living beings will meet their end. On the day when first trumpet resoundeth, and the second followeth it, on that day hearts beat painfully, while eyes are downcast.

Translation : The Day when the earth quivers a clarion shall follow it. The hearts will beat so fast and the eyes will be full of terror.

There will be such a violent eaithquake that all the buildings, all the mountains and all the trees on the earth will move from their foundations. The heights and depths as well as the ups and downs of the earth will come to an even level.

وَإِذَا ٱلْأَرْضُ مُدَّتْ ٣

 "And when the earth is spread out.” 

(Sura: The Sundering: Ayat: 3) 

The heaven will, after splitting asunder, become like a lifeless body. Thesun and the stars on their overthrow and fall, will become faded and _ their light will be no more. The rivers will be set on fire. 

The human beings will be flying in the air like kites. In short, there will be such a great revolution (change and alteration) in the heavens and on the earth about which the human beings had never thought even in the slightest degree prior to this day. And the whole present system will be confounde”. There will be neither any mountain, nor any tree and neither any inhabitant. Thereafter a particular kind of rain shall pour down from the heavens the waters of which will have such an effect that every thing to which these waters reach will become verdant and living.

Then Israfil (God may bless him) will be commanded by God to sound the trumpet again. This time the effect of the sound of the trumpet will be such that all the souls will return to their own bodies and a new kind of world will be created. ‘In Thy hand is the good. Lo! Thou art Able to do all things.”’ Israfil (God’s blessings be on him) is the same, the trumpet is the same and also the sound is the same but, in the first instance, there is destruction and annihilation and, for the second time, there is life and population. “Allah doeth what He willeth. And decideth what He willeth.” 

"Now, those people who had obeyed God and struggled against their personal ardent desires in the mortal world, would rise on this occasion with honour, with ease and comfort ; without- apprehending any danger and fear but rejoicing: “Lo! Verily the friends of Allah are those on whom fear cometh not, nor do they grieve.” ‘In that day many faces will be calm, glad for their mghteous deeds and those who acted upon their ambitions, will be fearful, and upon their faces there will be signs of pallor and terror. 

Their eyes wi | be lustreless, faded and terror-stricken.” They will rise up crying: ‘Woe upon us! Who hath raised us from our place to sleep?”’ When all the human beings will have been revived, they will be arranged into separate groups and columns. While the Jews will be caused to stand in one line, the Christians will stand in another line. Similarly, those who ascribed partners to Allah will be arranged to stand in another having life, all human beings, animals, birds, all those living on the surface of the earth and all those living underneath the earth will start trembling with this dreadful fright and terror. The human body will start quivering and trembling, the faces will grow pale, the hearts will beat swiftly (painfully), the eyes will sink into their sockets and in this condition all living beings will meet their end. On the day when first trumpet resoundeth, and the second followeth it, on that day hearts beat painfully, while eyes are downcast. Translation : The Day when the earth quivers a clarion shall follow it. The hearts will beat so fast and the eyes will be full of terror.

There will be such a violent earthquake that all the buildings, all the mountains, and all the trees on the earth will move from their foundations. The heights and depths as well as the ups and downs of the earth will come to an even level. 

وَإِذَا ٱلْأَرْضُ مُدَّتْ ٣

“‘And when the earth, is spread out.” 

(Sura: The Sundering: Ayat: 3) 

The heaven will, after splitting asunder, become like a lifeless body. The sun and the stars on their overthrow and fall, will become faded and _ their light will be no more. The rivers will be set on fire. The human beings will be flying in the air like kites. In short, there will be such a great revolution (change and alteration) in the heavens and on the earth about which the human beings had never thought even in the slightest degree prior to this day. And the whole present system will be confounded”. There will be neither any mountain, nor any tree and neither any inhabitant. Thereafter a particular kind of rain shall pour down from the heavens the waters of which will have such an effect that every thing to which these waters reach will become verdant and living.

Then Israfil (God mzy bless him) will be commanded by God to sound the trumpet again. This time the effect of the sound of the trumpet will be such that all the souls will return to their own bodies and nowanew kind of world will be created. ‘In Thy hand is the good. Lo! Thou art Able to do all things.” Israfil (God’s blessings be on him) is the same, the trumpet is the same and also the sound is the same but, in the first instance, there is destruction and annihilation and, for the second time, there is life and population. “Allah doeth what He willeth. And decideth what He willeth.” 

"Now, those people who had obeyed God and struggled against their personal ardent desires in the mortal world would rise on this occasion with honor, with ease and comfort; without- apprehending any danger and fear but rejoicing: ‘Lo! Verily the friends of Allah are those on whom fear cometh not, nor do they grieve.” ‘In that day many faces will be calm, glad for their righteous deeds and those who acted upon their ambitions, will be fearful, and upon their faces there will be signs of pallor and terror. Their eyes wi | be lustreless, faded and terror-stricken.” 

They will rise up crying: “Woe upon us! Who hath raised us from our place to sleep?’’ When all the human beings have been revived, they will be arranged into separate groups and columns. While the Jews will be caused to stand in one line, the Christians will stand in another line. Similarly, those who ascribed partners to Allah will be arranged to stand in another separate line. There will also be a_ separate line of the Muslims (the believers). 

And then from amongst the nation of every prophet of Allah, the pious men will be gathered at one place and the sinners at another place ; those who said prayers and kept fasts will be brought together at one place and theevil doers at another place. The drinkers of wine will be caused to gather separately. The thieves and robbers will be grouped together at different places. In other words, every kind of people will be arranged to standin separate and different lines, and in such systematic arrangement, shall Allah’s police (the angels) produce all of them in the Court of the Almighty.

يَوْمَ يُنفَخُ فِى ٱلصُّورِ فَتَأْتُونَ أَفْوَاجًۭا ١٨

“A day when trumpet is blown, and ye come in multitudes.’’ 

(Sura: The Tidings -Ayat 18).

After this, the heaven will be opened so that the angels may come down from there bearing the character rolls (records) of human beings, and make their appearance. ‘And the heaven is opened and becometh as gates.” (Sura: The Tidings). And these breaches in the sky will become the passageways to Paradise. The cause for the bursting of the heaven, as written by the learned men, is that Almighty God will cast a particular light on the heaven as a result of which the heaven will move downward and the sky will burst under the impact of this shock. Now the angels will hand over these characters rolls (records of the past life) to the people concerned who had done these deeds in the mortal world. 

The manner in which these character rolls will be handed over to them will be like this: These will be handed over to the obedient of Allah from the right side and the disobedient from the left side. The former are called ‘those on the left hand.’ 

فَأَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَيْمَنَةِ مَآ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَيْمَنَةِ ٨

وَأَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَشْـَٔمَةِ مَآ أَصْحَـٰبُ ٱلْمَشْـَٔمَةِ ٩

"And those on the right hand; what of those on the right hand. And those on the left hand ; what of those on the left hand?” 

(Sura: The Event 56/8-9))

At another place, its explanation is given in the following words :

“Then, as for him who is given his record in his right hand will say, being in a state of happiness, to the angels; Take my character book! This is full of virtues. Surely I knew that I should have to meet my reckoning in the Hereafter, and, as such, I was not obedient to my ardent desire but instead was tho-rightful of God’s obedience. Then such a person will be granted the desirable pleasure and comfort. And the matter will be finished here but he will enter into a high Garden consisting of fine houses, excellent floors, vessels made of silver; and there will be canals flowing; springs gushing; trees laden with verdant and green fruits to such an extent that they will be bending with their weight. These trees will be in such a state that the fruit towards which the heavenly person will make a sign, tree will bring near him one of its ‘branches laden with fruits. And they will be given a tiding: Eat and drink at ease in recompense for that, in the past days of the mortal world you acted against your sensuous desires and abstained from evil thoughts in obedience to your Real Lord. 

(Sura: The Reality)

Question: Why will the character rolls (a record) of pious men be given in their right hand?

ٱلْقَارِعَةُ ١

مَا ٱلْقَارِعَةُ ٢

وَمَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا ٱلْقَارِعَةُ ٣

يَوْمَ يَكُونُ ٱلنَّاسُ كَٱلْفَرَاشِ ٱلْمَبْثُوثِ ٤

وَتَكُونُ ٱلْجِبَالُ كَٱلْعِهْنِ ٱلْمَنفُوشِ ٥

فَأَمَّا مَن ثَقُلَتْ مَوَٰزِينُهُۥ ٦

فَهُوَ فِى عِيشَةٍۢ رَّاضِيَةٍۢ ٧يَةٍ

Answer: The reason for giving the record of pious men in their right hand is that the right hand is triumphant over the left one. There is a significance in giving the record in this hand to the effect that virtues are predominant and weighty over his vices. Then, as for him whose scales are heavy with good works, he will live a pleasant life.’”’ 

(Sura : The Calamity : Part : 30).

Question: How the fruits of paradise will automatically fall into the mouth of the person as soon as he desires? Will these trees have life? Even if they are animate, then too how will they have knowledge to this effect without any sign made by the heavenly person and without his call to them to do so?

Answer: Almighty God will charge the heart of the heavenly person with power, like electricity, and will, for his confidence, join its connection with every heavenly thing and his determination will possess that peculiarity which is in an electric switch. When light is desired, its switch will turn on and there will be light. When air is wanted, the switch of the electric fan will turn on and the fan will start revolving the air and soon. Nevertheless, the people whose record wil! be given in their left hand, they will say with sorrow: “Oh, would that we had not been given our book (character roll) and knew not our reckoning! This is so because these people will remember their evil deeds and thereby their soul will receive a severe shock.” Then they will cry with extreme sorrow: ‘‘Oh, would that it had been death to decide my case and I would not have. revived to be in this painful doom! Oh, my wealth hath not availed me !_ Oh, what should I do? My power and strength hath been ruined (hath gone) from me).” 

(Sura: The Reality)

Question: sinners, on seeing their record books, refuse to confess them?

Answer No. 1: Firstly, these people will themselves be.on seeing their record books, ashamed of and terrified because there will be, along with the character roles, a ture of every crime (sin) committed by them in the world. Take for instance, a man who fornicates and commits theft in the world, and at the time of his committing these crimes, a photo of his deeds is taken. So when this accused is produced before a Magistrate, the police, while submitting his report, also present a photo of the occasions of his crime. Will this accused, in such a case, refuse to confess his crime?

What is the arrangement in case the?

Answer No. 2: Secondly, whatever crime (sin) or virtue will be committed and done, this earth will relate to Allah in everything about it. ‘‘That day earth will relate (as a crown witness) all her chronicles.’’ 

(Sura: .The Earthquake: Part: 30).

Take for example a case like this: There is a gramophone in which recitation of the Holy Qur’an by a (| Qari (reciter) has been recorded and, during the course of his recording the reciter made mistakes in recitation.

When this record is completed, it is put on the machine 1] and played in the presence of that Qari (reciter) so that he himself may listen to it. Now that record sounds the recitation of the Qur’an incorrectly because this poor recording machine would recite the same Qur’an which had been recorded in it because it is helpless in this case. Will this Qari (reciter) now refuse to admit his mistakes? The answer will be: Not at all.

And even if there is such a shame-proof Qari who does not admit his mistakes, will the listeners, after this incident, consider this Qari as one speaking the truth? Despite such an arrangement, there will still be some impudent persons who will refuse plainly that these acts are not theirs. For the sake of reason, the Almighty Allah will then make their tongue-tied: 

‘This day We seal up mouths, and hands speak out and feet bear witness as to what they used to earn.” 

(Sura: Ya Sin: Part: 23). 

And their hands and feet will automatically begin to give evidence against them and it would appear as if Almighty God would bring forward our hands and feet to give evidence against ourselves by giving them the speaking power. And the Resurrection Day will be of the duration of fifty thousand years. “Its duration is fifty-thousand years. But the Almighty God would get Himself free from the reckoning of His creation within seven to eight hours. And then the people on the right hand, those who ward off evils and the obedient ones would be addressed : 

"O Souls! Living in ease and comfort, you should walk under the shade of your God’s blessing in such a manner that you should be pleased with your Lord so that the Lord is pleased with ye, and enter into My Paradise in the company of My favorite personages. But ah ! Thou soul at peace! Return unto thy Lord, content in His good pleasures! Enter thou among My bondmen! Enter through My Garden! 

(Sura: The Dawn: Part : 30) 

Now, these people would march forward so as to reach into the Paradise. 

At that moment, they would be witnessing the Paradise but would not find any pat leading them into the Paradise. Thereupon, these people would come to Hadrat Adam (peace be on him) and beseech him : O our father ! Please get the path of paradise opened for us ! Adam (peace be on him) would say :O brethren ! Iam not in this position. Hence, you should go to Abraham (peace be upon him). However, with the intercession of Hadrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be’upon him), a bridge will, at last, be installed there between Heaven and Hell, which is calléd Pul Sirat a bridge over which the righteous Muslims will pass into the Heaven. 

They will have to pass over it, and, at that moment, intercession will again be allowed. And our Hadrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will, first of all, cross over that bridge along with his followers (ummat), and on that day, no one, save Allah’s Messengers (Prophets) will have the daring tosay any thing, and the Messengers would be repeatedly uttering the words: 

““O God ! Let them pass over with safety ! O Allah! It is Thou only Who can guide the ship of our fate to safe shores and it is Thou Who will enable us to cross it over.”” 

So, those people, who were obedient to Allah’s Messengers (Prophets), will pass over this bridge only with the intercession of Hadrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) according to the measurement of their deeds and the positions accorded to them in such a manner that some of them will cross over it in the twinkling of an eye; some like the lightning; some in an instant like the air; and some will pass over it like birds. (Bukhari). 

And a Muslim of the lowest degree, drenched in sins, will, in the like manner, pass over this bridge with faltering steps, within the duration of seven thousand years. WHadrat Fazil bin ‘Ayyaaz (mercy be on him) says; The exact length of the Pul Sirat is three thousand years; its ascent is one thousand years and its descent is one thousand years while its peak is also of one thousand years, whose surface 1s a level plain. In word, it would be such a terrible place that even the Messengers of Allah would utter helplessly: 

O Allah! Peace! Peace! (Jawahir-ulTafasir). And from there, these people will set out towards Paradise in numerous groups, and when they will reach near Heaven, the doors of it will be found already lying open in anticipation of their arrival so that there may not be the slightest delay in their entering into it. Then the guardian angels, who will already be present there to welcome them, will offer them Islamic salutation. In other words, they «vill say: Peace be on you. And, after these greetings, they will say: Enter this Paradise therein for all time.

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